Winter in Costa Mesa, CA is generally mild. With average daytime temperatures of 67 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures just below 50 degrees, winter is often easy. However, this doesn’t mean the occasional cold front can’t come rolling in. When it does, you’ll want to be ready. The following are six ways to get prepared now.
1. Don’t Skip Annual Heater Tune-Up Service
In Costa Mesa, it’s easy to overlook the need for annual heater maintenance. Most locals rarely run their heaters. In areas with mild winters, heaters are subjected to less stress from year to year, sustain less wear, and often last longer.
However, annual maintenance services can minimize and potentially reverse many common forms of heater wear. They also verify the safety of heating systems and ensure optimum efficiency and functionality. Best of all, they allow our HVAC technicians to spot existing or developing problems and resolve them early on. This saves homeowners money and greatly reduces the risk of dangerous heating emergencies.
When we tune your heater up, we’ll:
- Test and calibrate your thermostat
- Measure airflow and static pressure
- Check the integrity of your furnace’s venting system
- Identify and remove airflow obstructions
- Replace broken or worn-out parts
Following routine maintenance, you’ll have a far lower likelihood of experiencing problems like overheating, short cycling, and sudden shutdowns.
2. Stock Up on HVAC Air Filters and Use Them
Despite being low in cost, air filters are among the most important components in HVAC systems. When things go awry with heaters or air conditioners, one of the first things that homeowners are advised to check is their HVAC air filter. All the air that enters your heating system passes through this component. If your air filter is riddled with debris, airflow will decline, and your heater can overheat or malfunction.
Even during winters with minimal heater use, it’s important to inspect your air filter monthly and replace it as needed. You should change this component every 30 to 90 days. Factors like lots of foot traffic, indoor pets, and nearby construction can shorten filter lifespans even in households that rarely turn their heaters on. To ensure you have enough filters on hand, stock up by buying three to four replacements at a time.
3. Have Your HVAC Air Ducts Insulated and Sealed
According to the University of Florida, HVAC air ducts can lose up to 40% of the heat that heaters produce. Among the best ways to limit this waste and keep your home cozy on the coldest days of the year is by having your HVAC air ducts insulated and sealed. This will keep hot air from escaping into your attic, basement, or crawlspaces. It can also improve indoor air quality (IAQ) by preventing leaky air ducts from taking in unfiltered air.
4. Check for and Seal Air Leaks
Air leaks in building materials can cause your heated air to flow outdoors. They’ll also let cold drafts in. Add weatherstripping to your windows and doors, and use caulk to close cracks or gaps in your drywall. Tightening your home envelope in preparation for possible cold snaps will also save you money in summer. A well-sealed home will keep cool air from flowing outside and hot, humid air from finding its way in.
5. Beef Up Your Home’s Insulation
When tightening your home’s envelope, consider adding to or improving your attic and wall insulation. Insulation with a sufficiently high R-value will help your heater maintain a comfortable, uniform temperature throughout all areas of the building, even when the outdoor temperature is dramatically lower.
6. Track Your Heater’s Service Life
Most heaters last between 15 and 20 years. With Costa Mesa’s mild winters, if your heater is properly sized and well-maintained, it might last 25 years or more. Don’t lose track of the age of your heater over time. Plan ahead for replacement so that your heater doesn’t reach the end of its service life in the middle of a cold snap and when you’re least expecting it. Also, remember that new furnaces are often much more energy efficient than previously possible.
With over three decades of collective experience and a commitment to excellent service and quality, we proudly serve homeowners in Costa Mesa and the surrounding cities. We offer top-notch installation, heating maintenance, and repairs for heating and air conditioning, including heat pumps and ductless mini-splits. We also provide cutting-edge IAQ improvements. To schedule an appointment, contact JW Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning now.